Sunday, October 31, 2010


Just looking at the pictures of “baby lei “ made Scott and Jasmine wonder how fast their baby is growing. It felt like it was yesterday when Jasmine gave birth and now, their baby is almost 9 months.

It has been a year and a half since they have been here in Utah. It was springtime when they came here, and now it is going to be winter season again.

Although they miss the “Hawaiian Sun” , they strive to make Utah, the “new paradise” for their family to raise with love, joy, and laughter.

Just like what Jasmine's mom always says...

“bloom where you are planted”.

Jasmine and the Baby


Jasmine's big day of giving birth has finally came. It was on the 23rd of February, 2010 when “baby lei” showed signs that she was ready for her to come out and experience life here on earth. Jasmine lost 2 pennies from Scott because of the wrong guess of baby lei's big day, but, she won a baby anyways, so it is still a win-win situation.

What's funny about Jasmine that Scott would never forget was that even though her contractions are every 3-5 minutes - around 4:00p.m, they still stopped by at Walmart, Riverton to buy some SD card and batteries for their camera before heading to the hospital. Every bump on the road made Jasmine cried because of the pain she felt from the contractions.

As they were admitted at the Inter-mountain Healthcare, Riverton, Jasmine was being checked by the nurse on call. She was 5 cm. already and they decided to let her stay at the hospital. Jasmine was given epidural which was a relief to her because she can't feel too much pain from the contractions.

All Jasmine could eat was frozen flavored ice and that's it. It was around 9:00pm, when the nurse said that Jasmine does not need to practice breathing because baby lei is crowning already. So they called Dr. Edwin England and at 9:40pm, they started the labor and delivery. Jasmine still felt the baby coming out but not with so much pain. Around 9:51pm, a beautiful sound of cry was heard in the walls of the room confirming the success of the delivery of “baby lei”. It was a joyful night for Jasmine and Scott as they embrace their growing family with love, excitement, and new beginnings.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It was July 24, 1847 when "Mormon pioneers" first came to the Salt Lake Valley. Upon their arriving, they literally had to make a place to live. Water was crucial and the land was barren. However, with great faith and works of the saints, Utah became distinct on the world map.

It was .... June 20,2009 when Scott and Jasmine finally reached their destination -- Utah... At first, Jasmine could not believe of what Utah looked like... desert with lots of sage bushes all over and mountains everywhere. It was as if in Hawaii, Jasmine was surrounded with oceans, and now with mountains. However, upon realizing, Jasmine gratefully accepted her fate on being in Utah. It was her dream to see the Salt Lake Temple, "Christus", and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It was beyond her expectation of living in the place where she dreamt to be someday.

Living a married life was and is very interesting for the newlyweds, Scott and Jasmine. They, each day, learn new things about each other. Trying to think what's best and doing it with love, not wanting for something in return. Days passed by when things go wrong, however, as a couple, they strive to face the issue and not against each other..... In the end, they always hug and kiss with a message of peace and comfort, knowing that things will work out someday.

Both of them strive and are striving to bloom where they are planted... like the Mormon pioneers, they are pioneers themselves... pioneers in building a "heaven on earth " in their humble home.


On a clear blue sky of June 9,2009.... Scott and Jasmine "are no more twain but one flesh", as they enter in the bonds of holy matrimony in Kona Hawaii temple.

After saying yes, a kiss of forever symbolizes Scott and Jasmine's love for each other. That kiss was no ordinary. It was a kiss that bound them and binds them as a couple....

After getting married, a nice sweet getaway to Florida is Scott's honeymoon surprise package for Jasmine. It was at Disney world, where dreams come true....and Jasmine's dream.... came true as well. Scott and Jasmine were lucky because they have a GPS that saved them from toll roads...however, they thought they were on the road to nowhere because it was so dark, creepy, and foreign. Finally, as they saw lights coming from the main road that leads to their hotel, the mood was changed back to the "aroma "of love.....

As they enter Lake Buena Vista hotel, they got a romantic package from the staff congratulating the newlyweds. Scott and Jasmine enjoyed that special week of their "oneness". After a week of sweet escape... Scott and Jasmine are about to face a new life, shared with love, faith, happiness, gratitude and eternity in the beautiful islands of Utah......

What could be in store for them in Utah? They don't know yet.... but what they know is that .... they vowed to walk the path of eternities


Monday, February 23, 2009

Jasmine and Scott are Engaged!

On a February 12, 2009 Jasmine and Scott had a really fun filled day. Jasmine a Student teacher, enlisted Scott's help to take the Haula elementary 6th graders on a field trip to China Town. The Children were to have a scavenger hunt. At china town the children found fun objects and took pictures of their finds. Jasmine's and Scott's Mission as chaperone's was simple. They were responsible to make sure everyone had fun and stuck together. A task that is not easy to accomplish with wonder struck 6th graders. The children were very excited with Jasmine leading the charge. They found dragons, beautiful clothing, and strange and interesting foods. Somehow the children managed to find most of the objects for their scavengers hunt and we soon found our buses to go home. But little did Jasmine know the day was all but half over.

See, she knew that Scott had come to Hawaii for a reason. He had a ring for her but she did not know how she might receive this ring. Little did she know that she was to receive the ring that afternoon.

When Scott and Jasmine returned to Haula and school ended Jasmine wanted to relax for a little bit. So, Scott dropped her off at her dorm and Scott got to work. He quickly ran to the Laie Shopping center because he had to "prepare". He quickly got a hair cut and bought four dozen roses and a vase. The roses were a vibrant pink, red, and white. He then made a beautiful arrangement for Jasmine and drove to campus. Once at campus Scott called Jasmine's roommate. One might ask, Her roommate? Yes, Scott called Jasmines Roommate. Scott had a fun plan for Jasmine. The night before Scott asked Jasmine's roommate, Emma to help him. She was going to put flowers in Jasmines room and hide the flowers until Jasmine came back to her room that night. When Scott called Emma, Emma made sure Jasmine was not in the room and retrieved the flowers from Scott. Then Scott called Jasmine, they planned to got to her brothers home for dinner. Jasmine was starved but when Jasmine and Scott went to her brother, Carl's home, Jasmine received quite a shock. Carl told her "We are busy, come back at nine". She could even see the food but she did not know that Scott has also talked with Carl.

Carl with his wife JV were to hide in the bushes and a take pictures from afar. Scott handed Carl a camera without Jasmine seeing and took Jasmine to get a movie. He had to stall her in order to give Carl and JV enough time to go to the beach and hide. Scott asked Jasmine if she wanted to rent a movie and they went and rented I.Q.. Once the movie was rented she asked Scott, "what would you like to do until nine?" It was 5 o'clock and the day was beautiful. Scott said "You know it is such a pretty day, why don't we go to the beach for a walk?". She smiled a radiant smile and said "OK". Once at the beach Jasmine and Scott took off their shoes and socks and rolled up their pants.

Then they set off walking hand in hand. The sun was warm that day and the wind was gently blowing. As Jasmine and Scott neared the Goats island Jasmine want to get something to eat. So they turned around started to walk home. On the way Scott received a call on vibrate. It was the "signal" that Carl and JV were close was time to get down to business. So Scott asked Jasmine if they could take small break. He laid his towel over the warm sand. Took Jasmines hand. Then he took out the ring from his pocket with his other hand, got on one knee and asked Jasmine to marry him. It was now Scott's turn to be shocked. Jasmine was so surprised and happy that she almost pushed Scott over. She then said "Yes". To Scott's relief and gave him the biggest hug and kiss. Scott then had one more surprise for Jasmine. He whispered in her ear..."Guess what Sweety, I have a surprise for you. Your brother and sister are here". Scott then waved for Carl and JV to come out of their hiding places. When she did she was so excited. Carl and JV took some pictures and everyone returned to their home for dinner.

That night when Scott dropped off Jasmine, he waited. He waited for her to go inside to the dorm house. He then jumped out of his car and went into the court yard between the dorms. Listening to the wind flowing through the trees. Then he heard it, "AHH, I LOVE HIM!!!!!". Jasmine had found her flowers.